Thursday, July 7, 2011

football Football FOOTBALL!!!!

how can one sport bring so much joy??
ill tell you how... cause there is only one sport in the world that it dosnt matter how tall or short you are... how rich or poor you are... or what race or creed you are that brings all people of all walks of life together.

here's a bit of trivia for you... what was osama bin ladin doing as/before his chateau was invaded??
you guessed it... watching football.

you probebly didnt know, but public enemy number one of the world was a mad Arsenal FC fan, which is ironic seeing as the detest osama had towards the west.

could you just imagine the bloodshed that could have been saved if the galaxy of spearheads in congress had, instead of spending billions on the search for mr osama, had just requested the arsenal squad make a plee video to osama requesting him to stop the carnage...
if only...

non the less this is just an example of the pulling power of football.

so my dear friends, during this 'off-season' (hardly an off-season with U17WC, U20WC, U21 EUROs, Womens WC, Gold Cup and Copa America going on) lets take a second to reflect on joy this great sport has brought to many lives, and the upliftment it shall provide in the future.


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